Wednesday 16 February 2011

Ancillary Drafts

We have created a set of very basic ancillary task drafts. We will be using these as a basic template to work on for our film review and poster. At this stage they are very basic but show our initial idea.

Location shoot

We carried out a location shoot to ensure that we know where we are filming and the type of factors we will have to take into account. This will enable us to plan around our environment and also what equipment to take.

Shooting Plan

To ensure that all of our filming runs smoothly and we are meeting deadlines we have produced a shooting schedule.

Day 1
Our first day of final filming will be carried out on Friday 11th February. Here we will carry out the majority of our major shots. We will also be using this day to edit this footage and go out andre-film if necessary. We will be carrying out our filming at the bottom of our school field. This will mean its easy enough to go back and re film is needed after using the schools equipment to edit our footage. We will most likely have to return to this location at some point to re film some of the shots however we can look at this at a later date.

Day 2
We will be carrying out our second day of filming will be carried out on Friday 18th February. It will be essential that this piece of filming goes as well as possible as this will be located in weston supermare. This therefore means around a 40 minute drive which wont be as simple to go back and re film if necessary. Here we are showing the relationship that could unravel between the two characters so its important that we carry out the right kind of shots and mis en scene.

Day 3

Costume Plan

We carried out an costume plan to ensure that we represent our characters in the correct way. It will also allow us to ensure our actors are wearing the same clothing if re-filming is needed.

Shot analysis

I analyzed our initial footage so that we could work on improving this.shot analysis

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Production Practice

This is our first test filming session after analysis the short film now. Although weve found that a lot of our shots dont flow as well as we would like it is a good basis to go on.

Short Film Now

We have looked into the short film now. It was produced in Germany but puts across a very strong and clear message which we would like to follow on to. As you can see it has been produced in a very simple setting using simply natural light. Also the sound used is heard by both the user and the actors but only the male through his headphones. The use of close ups show the emotion of the characters and the chemistry between the two characters. The camera shots have used very creative techniques in order to show the relationship between the characters without the use if dialogue. The picture scene within the short film is very simple yet effective as it gives a clear understanding that these are the events that could unravel in their lives.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Basic Ancillary task research

Ancillary Tasks Research

We carried out some basic acillary task research so that when it comes to creating our Poster and film review we have a basic idea of forms and conventions to follow.

Planning the picture scene

In our final production we will have a still shots present in our film, the still shots show the emotion and thoughts of both the boy and the girl. So we know what to take pictures of we have produced a plan to show what still images will relate to each of our actors.

For the Male part of the still shots we will show
-Walking in the park
-Sittin on a bench
-Argument in the lounge
-Eating fish and chips at the beach

For the Female part of the still shots we will show
-Super market shopping
-In the sea paddling
-Drawing a heart in the sand
-Eating candy-floss and ice cream in face.

we believe that these shots typically represent a couple in a relationship and the thought that would be apparent in their mind when thinking about each other and their life together.

Role allication

When it comes to allocation roles for our A2 coursework we both have decided to take individual roles, we feel that if we split all of our task up then we have a better change of producing something of better quality as we each have individual strengths.

For the Main production
George Mattock
-Location shoots
-Mis en scene

Charley Millard

For our Ancillary Task
George Mattock
-Graphics and for both the poster and the film review
-Photoshop for the images

Charley Millard
-Photography for the poster and film review
-writing up the film review

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

To ensure that we don't come across any dangerous circumstances during our filming we carried out a Risk Assessment. This is to ensure that we are prepared for any situation and will know how to handle it correctly.