Sunday 7 November 2010

Genre Theory

Is it timeless?
- No its open to historical change and historical constructs.

John Fiske
"Any one programme will bear the main characteristic of its genre: But is likely to include some from others. Ascribing is to one genre or another involves deciding which set of characteristics are most important"

Richard Maltby and Ian Craven
"The success of Hollywood is reliant on the combination of predictable elements with variation"

Auters and Iconography
Auters- a group of film makers that were considered to be particularly influential and artistic.

Edward Buscombe
"Felt that iconography was the best way to achieve generic definitions"

Rick Altman
" - Genre theory presumes that viewers pre read texts
- Viewers become passive voyeurs
- Genre will therefore be restrictive
- Does not acknowledge or allow for the hybrid (blending of genres)"

By understanding the different genre theory's it will ensure that we think about the correct methods to ensure that our genre is put across as best as it possibly can. However we also don't want to fall into the trap of giving people a presupposed idea of what our short film will be about before they have watched it.

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