Friday, 7 January 2011

Genre Theory Questions

"Medis texts rely on audience knowledge of generic codes and conventions in order for them to create meaning." Explain how you have used your subverted generic conventions in one of your production pieces.

How usefull is the concept of genre in understanding in your work?
I believe that it is essential to have a clear idea of the genre your trying to accomplish no later than after the early planning stages of the prduction. This is because if there is no clear genre the audience will become confused and wont be able to understand how to take in what they are watching. Without being able to understand the power of genre it is almost impossible to use it to its full potential. Genre was particularly usefull towards our work as it allowed us to establish specific conventions, this is backed up by Richard Maltbys theory that states "The success of Hollywood is relient on the combination of predictable elements with variation." This theory is proved when we think about the most popular hollywood blockbusters. However this is contradicted when Rick Altmans theory says that theory makes "viewers become passive voyeurs" and "Genres are therefore restrictive". So this could show that genre only has a negative effect on a film and restricts the audience to be creative within their own imagination. However genre isnt only based on the conventions used as Edward Buscombe quotes that he "Felt that iconography was the best way to achieve generic definitions" This means that although conventions are the main way to establish a genre is a known actor has been in only horror films then when you see the actor in a film you will automatically assume that its a horror film.

How is your production conventional to the genre?
For our AS practical production we focused on the horror genre, we researched all the conventions by looking at past exampes, this proved very usefull as it means that we understood how to address the audience very well. We looked at excisting film openings as Richard Maltby states that "The success of Hollywood is relient on the combination of predictable elements with variation." If this genre theory is correct then it is essential that we followed the basic conventions of a horror opening. The most usefull conventions we applied to our project was to include the use of blood, sharp objects which we ensure we followed. The backing track we used was also just as important as that sets the mood for the audience. which also backs up Maltbys theory. However we didnt follow all of the conventions as this would make our opening have no variety at all. John Fiske States that "Any one programme will bear the main characteristic of its genre, but is likely to include some from others ascribing it to one genre or another. It also involves deciding which set of characteristics are most important." So therefore this theory proves that its not essential to follow every convention spot on as this will prevent and imagination for the producers.

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