Thursday, 21 April 2011

The use of Media Technology in my Pre Production Stage

For our A2 major project we chose to create a 5 minute short film. We came to this decision as we believed it would be the task that would allow us to be the most creative whilst also having enough tasks to work well as a team. Throughout the whole of the pre production stage we got a lot of use out of the internet. This was essential when it came to looking at existing short films, we used websites such youtube, bbc film network and LG short film. Looking at existing short films enabled us to be able to get an idea of the codes and conventions that were essential for us to follow. Having the technology to look online made the whole process a lot quicker and enabled us to look at a lot more examples. This was definitely helpful when it came to our final influence of the short film 'Now', this turned out to be the most helpful bit of research we carried out.

Using google docs allowed us to send out questionnaires to our target audience and gain organised feedback. It turned out much quicker and more effective than conducting it in paper form as we didn't then need to convert all the information onto the Internet. Using Google Docs also allowed us to send our questionnaire out to our target audience and target our specific audience. We then left our questionnaire online for two weeks and set a deadline as to when we would go back and collect the answers.

To ensure that I was keeping to deadlines and handing in work on time I used TomsPlanner to create a time plan. This proved extremely useful as it included all of our important deadlines and meant we could plan our filming around it. Without TomsPlanner I would have probably drew one out on paper, although at the start this would have been just as effective once it came to making slight changes it would have meant completely redoing the whole plan. This website was yet again another advantage of web 2.0.

Scribd and Flickr enabled me to make my blog much more interesting than it would be with blocks of texts or just lists of pictures. It also enabled me to scan in any work I had written on paper such as story boarding and brainstorming and present it electronically. These two websites also proved useful when it came to presenting research such as costume plans, locations shoots, and a lot of text information.

Once I carried out all my basic research we began to test shoot some of the shots we were looking to use. I am going to provide a hyperlink for a Label rather than a single post as it contains all our test shoots and analysis.

During this stage we used a lot of scribd to present our shot analysis and most importantly we used Imovie, and Final Cut as our editing software. Final cut is a lot more advanced than Imovie so allowed me to develop my editing skills ready for when it comes to editing the final piece.

Overall I believe that Media technology has definitely allowed me to produce a working blog. It also allowed me to present my work in a much more interesting way without just posting posts with just block text in. I will evaluate my

I will evaluate the use of media technology in my evaluation once I have finished all the other stages of evaluation.

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